BOKS, founded by Kathleen Tullie and energised by Reebok is powered by communities and empowers parents, teachers, schools and local volunteers to give kids a body and brain boost that will set them up for a day of learning. On Jan. 29 BOKS convened an Advisory Board at Reeboks stunning HQ in Canton Mass, to consider how to accelerate the growth and scale of BOKS.
Sarah was delighted to join the Board and share her UK and international experiences of the strategic growth and implementation of coach education.
Inspired by Dr John Ratey's book SPARK which promotes exercise as 'Miracle-Gro for the brain' BOKS is a pre-school breakfast club initiative. Based on a structured curriculum and delivered by Trainers or Champions, BOKS provides children with the opportunity to engage in structured physical activity programs 2 or 3 days a week for 40 minutes during which functional fitness and play are emphasised and the importance of nutrition discussed. There are currently over 1100 schools, across 42 states and 4 countries engaged in the program.
The BOKS Advisory Board were challenged to explore how the program could grow and what would need to happen to ensure that BOKS could drive and support the change it wants to create.
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